lunedì 11 gennaio 2010

AOL - Time Warner


"MR. TURNER: I’d like to forget it. That’s what goes through my mind. I almost didn’t do this interview because I didn’t want to dig it up again. Let it pass into history.


I lost 80 percent of my worth and subsequently lost my job. We looked it up to see if I was the biggest loser of all time because I lost about $8 billion. But I don’t think I was the biggest loser of all time. I think at one point Microsoft stock went down more than that for Bill Gates. I think he’s the biggest winner and the biggest loser. I was in the top three or four of all time."

How the AOL-Time Warner Merger Went So Wrong, Tim Arango, The New York Times, 10 gennaio 2010

Sono passati 10 anni giusti giusti dal merger più disastroso della storia.

Io non ricordo che opinione ne avessi.

In salsa nostrana, con il senno del poi forse fece bene Telecom a sfilarsi dall'operazione concettualmente anaologa che aveva montato con La7 e Matrix.

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