domenica 9 ottobre 2005

The New York Times

Il 18% delle famiglie americane ha un reddito che supera i 100 mila dollari. Questa percentuale è del 45% tra i lettori del New York Times.

The New York Times - Reader Profile by MRI.

Il Public Editor del NYT chiede a chi fa il giornale cosa pensa dei suoi lettori.

"I think of The Times reader as curious, as someone who regards life as a continuing education," Mr. Keller wrote. "Each reader has a few subjects about which he or she may be passionate, even expert, and a more wide-ranging appetite that can be seduced, surprised, engaged on almost any subject if we present it well."

Turning the Tables: What the Times News Staff Thinks of You, BYRON CALAME, The New York Times, 9 ottobre 2005.

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